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  • k sato 15:35 on April 16, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , my etsy shop   

    japanese masking tape 

    plain white masking tape is great to use and has been around for years and years but colourful and patterned japanese masking tape is even better.

    although i have been using this fantastic stuff for some time now it is starting to become really popular outside  japan.  there are so many cute crafting things in japan and now they are reaching a wider market.  i think it is fantastic, not only cause i sell them but cause they really are fun to use.

    yesterday my semi private class (two students and i) talked about masking tape and although i wanted the topic to only be a 10 minute warm up,  it lasted the whole class.

    yep.  the three of us talked for one and a half hours about the ins and outs of masking tape.  how to use it, the process in making it, what it is made from, where it is made, the different colours and patterns and everything else.  we could have gone on forever but i had to play housewife from 5ish. 🙂

    anyway, i’ve added some more to my etsy shop cause they are selling like hot cakes at the moment.  pop in and have a look if you have some free time 🙂mt deco masking tapelove this pink

    mt deco masking tapecool

    mt deco masking tapedots dots and more dots 🙂

    mt deco masking tapeand this is my favourite set.

    • Mchan 01:18 on September 1, 2011 Permalink

      Yes the last one is gorgeous! I got it too when I was in Japan. Any more ?

  • k sato 20:18 on April 12, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: anpanman, , boy bags, cars, , doraemon, fabric for boys, , , my etsy shop, , trains   

    japanese fabric for boys 

    last week someone purchased some fabric from my etsy shop.  thank you.  she has a personal website in her etsy profile so i had a quick look at her fantastic site.

    i was interested in what she had to say about there not being so many cute fabrics for boys.

    maybe that is the case in oz, uk or usa but there are lots of cute fabrics for boys in japan.

    most of my younger students carry their english text books in a handmade bag with anpanman, doraemon,pikachu, trains, cars or baseball printed fabric.

    the thick quilt fabric is used most of the time to make school bags and i think the boys bags are just as cute as the girls.

    here are just a few of the boyish fabrics i have :

    japanese fabricjapanese fabric

    cute aren’t they! 🙂

    • Rebecca 21:28 on April 17, 2009 Permalink

      You have great fabric for boys! I love my fabrics that I bought from you recently, Japanese printed fabrics are just gorgeous!

    • karen sato 06:34 on April 18, 2009 Permalink

      thanks for the comment rebecca.

      i really like the anpanman (an pan man) one. the one above the shinkansen train.

      i also love doraemon. i don’t know why i didn’t put the doraemon fabric up.

      you can check out anpanman and doraemon on youtube. 🙂

  • k sato 10:16 on March 20, 2009 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , fabric, my etsy shop,   

    a fantastic week… 

    this week has been fairly busy.

    i have been listing lots of supplies in my little etsy shop.  mainly fabric and masking tape.

    my little etsy shopsome of the fabric that has been listed in my shop.

    masking tapegotta love this stuff.

    i have also been carving stamps for my handmade washi card section.  hopefully i will be finished with those in the next couple of days.  they mainly include insects and animals.  snails, frogs, dragonflies and things like that.

    handmade washi cards

    and finally my classes also keep me busy.  this is yuichi.  he has been studying with me for three years.  he started at my school when he was only a shy six year old.  he has turned into a little bit of a brute but i still have a soft spot for him. even though he is a naughty student he hasn’t missed a class since joining.

    wattle english schoolyuichi being a turd as usual. 🙂

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